ShoutOUT! Make a film about Soaring Prices and Stagnant Wages and get a grant from Freedom Film Fest

The 17th edition of Malaysia’s leading international human rights documentary film festival, ‘FreedomFilmFest’ (FFF) will take place in the Klang Valley between 20th – 28th September 2019 and will focus this year’s attention on wealth inequality – an issue of global significance.
With that in mind, FFF2019 is now calling for film grant proposals and submissions of completed film entries that take inspiration from the Malaysian phrase “Harga Naik, Gaji Maintain” (“Soaring Prices, Stagnant Wages”).
FFF highlights that the UN Declaration on Human Rights declares that “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of [themselves] and of [their] family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care.”
But despite that, many of us are struggling to provide for ourselves. Issues such as the rising cost of living, the ever increasing price of food and petrol, the struggle to finance housing and pay for healthcare and stagnant wages are serious issues facing Malaysians and the international community alike.
“An increase in the wealth of the nation doesn’t seem to have translated to a better quality of life for the majority. Why is that? What are the factors driving this issue? We are searching for stories which spark debate, identify problems and look for alternative solutions to wealth inequality.”, says FFF Executive Director Anna Har.
In line with this year’s theme, FFF are particularly interested in documentary films which focus on Access to Amenities (healthcare, housing, education, transport, food etc.), Business and Corporate Accountability, Fair Wages and Conditions of Work, Corruption, Government Policies, Discrimination, and Indigenous Perspectives.
Previous years' grantee films:
 Calling Bengoh
The Hills and the Sea
How to submit your film to FFF2019:
Submissions of film grant proposals are open to Malaysians and Singaporeans only and can be submitted online here [] – Deadline for submissions is 15th March 2019. Small film grants are awarded yearly to filmmakers who pitch their documentary ideas to a panel of expert judges for consideration.
Completed film entries are open to all filmmakers and can be submitted online here [] – Deadline for submissions is 1st May 2019.
Should you require any further information, please contact:
Join FFF on social media | @freedomfilmfest
The Freedom Film Network (FFN) is a not-for-profit body established to support and develop social filmmaking within the context of freedom of expression and values contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Malaysia.
Meanwhile, feast your eyes on previous years' grantee films here. 
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