The Connection, Dir. Cédric Jimenez, France, 2013
The Singapore perspective on film-making will be seen in 29 short films by students from the Puttnam School of Film, LASALLE College of the Arts. As part of the film school partnership programme with the EUFF, these films will be screened alongside each of the feature films. Encapsulated within these films are core issues of national, cultural and personal identity, introducing another realm that adds to the narratives for the SG50 celebrations.
Here are more details on the short films by the Puttnam School of Film students:
2015, 5 mins
Rating: TBA
Director, Writer & Editor: Aron Castro
Cast: Marc Goldberg, Amanda Chan and Kent W.
13 May, 7.00pm: Opening at GV Grand, Hall 6 –
By invitation only
21 May, 7.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 4
In a ravaged, post-apocalyptic world, Cain
needs to find measures to survive. In an encounter thinking it is just another standoff,
an unexpected ending ensues.
2014, 5 min
Rating: G
Director: Cheng Chai Hong
Cast: Heng Mui Tien
22 May, 9.30pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 1
A mother’s empty nest syndrome and coming to
terms with her relationship with her grown children.
A Short
2014, 5 mins
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Jason Lau
Cast: Dai Gao Le, K.R Menon and Cobysot Avego
14 May, 6.30pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
A young Chinese man who is unable to speak
English gets a job in Singapore and struggles with communication.
Meets Girl
2014, 5 min
Rating: TBA Director: Ho Say Peng Cast: Ho
Say Peng & Erica Rodrigues
17 May, 4.30pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 1
A short tale of a young man's first date.
By the
Silver Wind
2013, 5 min
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Lor Hui Yun
Cast: Chng Xin Xuan and Ng Jing Jing
20 May, 9.50pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 1
The film is an experimental piece that deals
with one’s process of loss and grieving.
2014, 11 min
Rating: PG
Director & Producer: Charlene Chung
Editor: Wilson Tan
Cinematographer: Lee Wenxian and Jolinna Ang
Cast: Chee Leeying Sham, Munusamy Milevaganam
and Davian Milevaganam
17 May, 7.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 5
Cheena Manaivi is showing to what extent one
would compromise and give in to a different racial and religious culture as
well as finding an identity within. Cheena Manaivi is about an interracial
family-of an Indian and Chinese marriage, although being married for close to
fifteen years now, there are still people who refuse to accept them as one, and
to love them for whom they are.
2014, 5 mins
Rating: G
Director, Writer & Editor: Nurbibiyana
Cast: Nurbibiyana Hussain
14 May, 9.50pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
A young girl experiences total darkness at
home when the family cannot pay the electricity bills.
2014, 12 min
Rating: PG
Director & Producer: Vannesa Sim
Cinematographer: Albert Mok and Amerendra
Editor: Thais Breton
Cast: Sim Cher Ping, Kang Ann Hoon, Kang Peng
Ching, Tan Yong Sima and Michael Lim
23 May, 7.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 1
Leaving behind a legacy of hand written
recipes and cooking journals after her death in the early millennium of 2001,
Celia Kang’s cooking had been loved by many and always had a reputation for
bringing people together by cooking up a storm. Having her archives recovered
twelve years later, Celia Kang’s recipes and family’s heritage will be brought
to life through this documentary directed by her youngest daughter, Vannesa
Sim. Through the roots of this family, this documentary journeys through the
footprints of Celia Kang’s life.
2014, 5 min
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Lim Yen
Cast: Chan Yoke Sim Helen and Sng Yi Xin
24 May, 4.30pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
An elderly woman set in her ways has her
course averted one day.
2014, 5 min
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Jackie Tan Yi
Cast: Jackie Tan Yi Yong
23 May, 9.30pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 1
A young man's life is transformed when he
discovers beat-boxing.
2014, 5 min
Rating: G
Director, Writer & Editor: Aloysius Koh
19 May, 7.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
During the course of a Chinese New Year
visit, a grandmother’s relationship with her family is observed.
2014, 5 min
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Shane Li
Cinematographer: Jason Lau
Cast: Kristin Li and Neo Zong Lei
16 May, 4.30pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 4
A strong-willed but good hearted woman
struggles with surviving in the city.
2013, 11 min
Rating: PG
Director: Alvin Soh
Cinematographer: Lee How Chuen
Writer: Cheng Chai
Cast: Gabriel Low, Ong Qi Wei and Cliston Tan
21 May, 9.40pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
A boy continuously witnesses his father
abusing his mother and takes drastic measure as he is pushed to boiling point.
2013, 5 min
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Jasmine Lee
Cast: Jasmine Lee, Jacklyn Lee and Lee Hung
17 May, 9.30pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 4
When a young girl who cannot speak a word of
Hokkien sits by the dinner table with her family, humorous incidences entails
in an encounter lost in translation.
2014, 5 min
Rating: TBA
Director, Writer & Editor: Muhamad Afiq
Cast: Hakeem
19 May, 9.35pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
A young Malay boy suffers an intense dilemma
with surprising results.
Lonely Shadow 2014, 5 min
Rating: PG
Director: Li Xiaochen 16 May, 7.00pm: GV
Suntec City, Hall 1
The notion of Chinatown and what it means for
a migrant community.
2014, 11 min Rating: G
Director & Editor: Sharavana Rama
Producer: Khoo Yun
Cinematographer: Glenn Ong
16 May, 2.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
What meaning do words like ‘bahagia’, ’mulia’
and ‘berjaya’ have on our lives, if at all? A celebration of unique
contradictions and a search for a meaningful belonging in a small island
encircled by a global presence, Majulah has some answers in this short
documentary about our people and progress.
2014, 7 min
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Kenneth Lee
Cinematographer: Daryl Ong
Art Director: Vivien Koh
Cast: Wong Yi Lin and Vanessa Toh
20 May, 7.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
A tale of a pregnant young girl who attempts
to run away to Malaysia to be with her boyfriend.
The Boy
2014, 5 min
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Jason Lau
Cinematographer: Ivan Yau
Cast: Brien Lee and Yolby Low
24 May, 6.15pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
young boy's desperate search for his father lead to self realisation and his
loss of innocence.
The Boy
and His Planes
2014, 5 min
Rating: TBA
Director, Writer & Editor: Ivan Yau
Cast: Aston Ng and Rosha Chandra
17 May, 2.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
A frustrated boy in search of his neighbour
ends up finding a friend.
2014, 12 min
Rating: G Director, Writer & Editor:
Thais Breton
Cinematographer: Jolinna Ang
15 May, 7.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
The Collectors explores the relationship
between three individuals affected by the disease of Alzheimer’s and their
children, caught in a race to gather as many memories they can before it is too
late. Their stories echo on the stones of the rare places left in Singapore to
be imprinted with a past. A parallel is formed between an individual fright of
memories loss, and a collective amnesia provoked by a local race to thrive in
2014, 5 min
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Lucas Chia
Cast: Joan Swee
23 May, 2.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 4
On his father’s 20th death anniversary, the
filmmaker seeks to reflect how a disease claimed life.
Girl by the Window
2014, 5 min
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Ko Shui Min
Cast: Ko Shui Min 18 May, 9.30pm: GV Suntec
City, Hall 4
A whimsical tale of a withdrawn teenager who
finds a friend.
Space We Are In
2012, 5 min
Rating: PG Director: Vivien Koh
Cast: Vivien Koh and Rachel Koh
15 May, 9.50pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
The Space We Are In explores the identity of
a twin.
Missing Wave
2015, 5 mins
Rating: PG
Director, Writer & Editor: Lor Hui Yun
Cast: Adrian Phuah
23 May, 4.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 1
An evocative piece on Changi Beach and its
historical legacy from the Japanese Occupation.
2014, 5 min
Rating: TBA
Director, Writer & Editor: Eugene Lee
Cast: Low Yew Wah and Low Hwee Joo
24 May, 1.30pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 4
A lonely old man prepares for death.
2014, 15 min
Rating: PG13
Director: Julius Ooi
Producer: Aron Castro
Editor: Syafiqah Ramani
Writer: Eugene Lee
Cast: Tiffany Yong, Chan Yoke Sim and Rayvin
18 May, 7.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 4
A young couple move to their new house.
Strange things begin to happen as the wife is left on her own
2013, 5 min
Rating: G
Director, Writer & Editor: Vivien Koh
Cast: Jody Chan and Sean Poh
22 May, 7.00pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 3
A tale of an affinity between two unlikely
and eccentric souls.
2014, 5 mins
Rating: TBA
Director, Writer & Editor: Jasmine Lee
Cinematographer: Maung Moe Myint
Low Hwee Joo
May, 9.30pm: GV Suntec City, Hall 5
A lonely old lady fusses over her granddaughter
with surprising consequence.Screenings for the public will be from 14 to 24 May 2014. Tickets are priced at $12, and will be available online on the GV website at and through walk-in at GV box offices islandwide from end of April 2015. More ticketing and film programme details can be found at