Production Talk with Anthony Chen on 'Ilo Ilo'

Go behind the scenes of Ilo Ilo and get behind the mind of director Anthony Chen in this special video edition of 'Production Talk', a collaboration between SINdie and SGNewWave. Presented by Ivan Choong from SINdie.

Ilo Ilo is playing in cinemas islandwide. Go catch it today!

About SG NewWave

SGNewWave is the brain­child of a group of film enthu­si­asts from Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Film and Media Studies, hop­ing to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the way Singaporeans view films and even­tu­ally cre­ate a cul­ture of avid film-goers who seek out even the small films show­ing in obscure places around Singapore.

It is com­posed of stu­dents with dif­fer­ent capa­bil­i­ties: jour­nal­ism, pub­lic rela­tions, mar­ket­ing, web design and video pro­duc­tions; all of us work­ing together towards our goal of spread­ing the love of cin­ema, and cre­at­ing our own film move­ment.

About the presenter

Ivan Choong is a singer, theatre actor, academic, teacher, volunteer, budding entrepreneur. Always staying close to the performing arts, he can be seen in various stage productions, short films and the odd TV commercial thrown in. He is particularly excited to chat with Anthony Chen who wrote and directed the very film that gave him his split second of fame.

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