Sights and sounds of SINdie's MV shoot - The Lookalikes

As the hits keep on coming (just under 160,000 now!), we go behind-the-scenes with those uncanny Lookalikes in Another Home.


Why so serious?

"AH!I knew Kate Spade made sinks!"

"Bring in more pallets!"

Isn't this the President's responsibility?

I don't know what to say!(An exclusive demonstration from the Director himself)

"Thanks for your vote, I'll see you in five years."

OK...TAKE 5...

Back in Action

Strike a pose, there's nothing to it.

Ms.Tin's lookalike and her bodyguard(Some viewers on YouTube think he looks like Pritam Singh!)

A future coalition?

Cutting to the chase.

"Let's get out of here, it's already starting to smell."

Gesture of the Year 2011.

A tripartite proposal for better public transport.
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