2SSFA - 'The Fish and The Ring' by Ervinna Cahyadi

Premiering at the Vancouver Singapore Film Festival last year is The Fish and the Right, the debut film by Indonesian Ervinna Cahyadi, a Digital Animation graduate from NTU. With the swath of 3D animated films ruling the big screens recently, this 2D feature is a welcome breath of fresh air that is both traditional and effective in conveying the unpretentious story.

An old man sits by the jetty reminiscing when a fish devours his ring, believing it is supper. Concurrently an old lady, marooned in a shipwreck, is reflecting about her life. The marine creature thus acts as the matchmaker between the two forlorn long-lost lovebirds, who obviously believed they’d never see each other again.

Fate plays funny games on people, and this is espoused in this silent piece that definitely has the capability to go places.

This film was nominated for Best Animation at the recent 2nd Singapore Short Film Awards.
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