One team's 'Great Gatsby' experience

Alongside the 48 hours film competition was 'The Great Gatsby Video Challenge'. Cameras are certainly overworked this week. Like the 48 hours film competition, we close in one team in the 'Great Gatsby Challenge'. The team is called 'The Silent Trio', headed by Vincent Chow, Zhou Jixuan and Grace Foo (a member of the SINdie team). 'The 3 minutes revelation" is the title of their short video. Here is our conversation with 'The Silent Trio'.

What was the quote you are supposed to base yr production on?
"God knows what you've been doing, everything you've been doing. You may fool me, but you can't fool God!"
- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, Ch. 8
What were some of the constraints given to you?
Mainly time constraint. But also the predefined theme and to source for our own resources in a short period of time (e.g camera equipments, props, etc) for production and editing.

Creepy dollies find their way into your workstation.

Notice the poster shouting out loud in the background!

How much time were you given to complete this?
Ten days!
So how did you guys settle on a idea?
We gave ourselves 2 days to select the quotes we were interested in and came up with ideas for the quotes. Vincent proposed a script that shows potential to be made into a interesting video, so we simply went for it and improvised along the way.

Creepy dolly comes to life?

Not easy at all being a woman.

Why did you think this ideas will win?
*crosses fingers* We think it is original, perversely funny and hopefully it stands out from the rest of the submitted films!
What are your individual backgrounds?
Vincent- An engineer turned artist who started practising art full time two years ago. Vincent mainly paints, but is also interested in exploring other forms of art.
Jixuan - A practising artist who just recently came back from the big apple - New York. Jixuan is currently painting full time, is a part-time art teacher and also aspires to be an illustrator.
Grace -  A recent graduate from Singapore Polytechnic's Digital Media course who found her passion in visual arts after working at an art gallery. Grace has always shown interest in filmmaking but wants to continue exploring all forms of art.

Spooky bride

Is that a pet he's rubbing?

Share some juicy happenings about the production. What were the things that went wrong during the production?
Our main and only cast - Chee Seong is the juicest happening during the whole production. You will never find anyone as spontaneous and big-hearted as him. The 2 days of shooting were just filled with laughters. Honestly speaking, we didn't face any major problems during production. Maybe because we were doing a film which included God and he was happy so he watched over us :P

Love the mismatched chairs in the cafe!

We prefer it if the bride did not turn around actually.

What were the greatest challenges during the production?
Time constraints, limited $$, cast and crew schedule and the lack of resources (e.g. costumes). We had to make do with creative ways.

Here's all the luck to the Silent Trio!
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