'Infinity' - an experimental potluck by a group of directors - SIFF

Given the dearth of experimental films in Singapore, a group of filmmakers have come together to put together what looks like a potluck of experimental short films. The difference between this and Lucky 7 is that the latter has common elements (actor, props, continuity) running through each of the 7 segments. Each director had to carry on the story from the last part of the previous segment's director.

Infinity is simpy the theme given to the directors of what is informally known as the 'Shy People Supper Club' (correct me if I am wrong!). Each director has to come up with a film drawing from this word.

Victric Thng - Sea water, glistened by the sun, ruffles towards the horizon, disppearing into .... well... infinity. What intrigues is that an inverse reflection of it is stacked up on top of it, creating what looks like a chasm of water draining away to nowhere. like many of Victric's previous works, it is very meditative.

Gozde and Russel Zhender - Captured on nostalgic, flickery Super 8 mm film, is a lady selling newspaper and magazines. Nothhing fussy, just the blurry aesthetics of time lapse and a certain contemplativeness about the world that passes her by.

Lilian Wang - What sounds like a granny's conversation with someone overlays a 360 degree observation of a room. Appearing like an old HDB flat, the room is ecnomically furnished but with a tinge of the old-fashioned or even the forsaken.

Yeo Lee Nah - What if you can never get out of repeating an action like you had some kind of compulsive disorder? What if water never stopped flowing from a flask despite its limited capacity? What if the food on your plate never gets emptied? Lee Nah conjures a moving image that is at once subversive and on further thought, liberating.

Green Zeng and June Chua - Sound bites from one of Greens' shoots form this video. Check out a Thai short film 'Silencio', that is a fuller version of this idea.

On the whole, it seems like a pilot, an experimenation with experimentals. Victric is hoping to attract more filmmakers out there to make their own experimentals shorts and the pieces shown in 'Infinity' just demonstrates how even some simple ideas could create ripples of thoughts. So all filmmakers out there, if interested, do contact Victric at victricthng@gmail.com
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