Panorama Crosstalk #6
Jeremy (J) : Royston always has a knack for selecting pretty faces for kampung kids.
S : Too clean looking for starters. (Beat) Then again it's Singapore, we have clean and green environments, even for kampungs.
J : I watched `Flower in the Pocket’, those were the real kampung kids! Scruffy and creatively naughty.
S : Maybe because they still exist.
J : Felt any `thunder’ you felt in `Rain'?
S : Nope. In fact I didn't know where it was going. Like a tale of 2 halves… and I can't really feel the connection... For sure we can SEE the connection, but can't feel a thing for it.
J : That's my biggest question for you actually. Cos it was done with SO MUCH FLAIR and yet it was so dry in the poignancy it was trying to create.
S : Probably the clue is in the credits.
J : The Army Museum logo.
S : However, I read somewhere that the powers that be did not interfere with the creative process though.
J : Ouch!
S : I preferred the father-son tale told in Royston's Sons to this.
J : I felt it was hard to decide whether the changing of the times (two eras of army) was the focus or the father-son relationship (which was poorly dealt with and it also used many cliches).
S : Well, we didn't see much of the earlier army era, except for the temasek green uniform. Felt the latter shots can qualify for army recruitment advertisements.
J : True. (pause) Hey Stefan, you hear something?
S : No.
J : Press your face next to my chest.
S : Oh ya. I hear something.
S : Too clean looking for starters. (Beat) Then again it's Singapore, we have clean and green environments, even for kampungs.
J : I watched `Flower in the Pocket’, those were the real kampung kids! Scruffy and creatively naughty.
S : Maybe because they still exist.
J : Felt any `thunder’ you felt in `Rain'?
S : Nope. In fact I didn't know where it was going. Like a tale of 2 halves… and I can't really feel the connection... For sure we can SEE the connection, but can't feel a thing for it.
J : That's my biggest question for you actually. Cos it was done with SO MUCH FLAIR and yet it was so dry in the poignancy it was trying to create.
S : Probably the clue is in the credits.
J : The Army Museum logo.
S : However, I read somewhere that the powers that be did not interfere with the creative process though.
J : Ouch!
S : I preferred the father-son tale told in Royston's Sons to this.
J : I felt it was hard to decide whether the changing of the times (two eras of army) was the focus or the father-son relationship (which was poorly dealt with and it also used many cliches).
S : Well, we didn't see much of the earlier army era, except for the temasek green uniform. Felt the latter shots can qualify for army recruitment advertisements.
J : True. (pause) Hey Stefan, you hear something?
S : No.
J : Press your face next to my chest.
S : Oh ya. I hear something.
J : It's time for lunch.
The only other place to catch this short film perenially is the Singapore Army Musuem.