An after thought.... Zo Gang has the soul of `15' in it, and the voice of an army cadet who likes to `Chao Keng' (malinger). I like that voice actually, it is very close to my experience. I used to talk like that with my colleagues when I was a temp staff for Singtel years ago.
- Clever use of HDB flat storey signs (as if he really did walk)
- Boy walks across basketball court to place something that looks like a jacket on the ground, all that while Merlion Tan was talking to the camera
- Cool professionals - banker, doctor, MP (funniest is the MP part, well imitated and not so far from real life incidents)
- Hokkien Speaking Ang Moh (in spoof)
- Be With Me moment - Jacen surprises us with a guy who sports bad hair (upon revelation later - in bloopers, he looks like Royston Tan's Careless Whisperer)
- MRT train shot (nice one Jacen, gives us the last laugh on SMRT whose rates are $2-3k per hour for shooting in a carriage)
- Wesley Wong (aka Merlion Tan) with a different hair cut at the screening (looking actually studious and decent)