First Takes no Fly By Nite

First Takes is certainly gaining a foothold among people who watch independent films. The turnouts seem to have been better than some of the screenings during other events like Asian Film Symposium. The previous first takes saw a middle-aged lady who when I introduced my blog to herm she wanted to sell me Christianity or something like that. I was thinking, First Takes has really widened its reach on people.

Which is very heartening.

Monday's First Takes was also a gathering of the usual indie film warriors like Chai Yee Wei, myself, Clement Chua, Ghazi Alqudcy, David Lee etc. I hope this continues because even though we have caught each other's films before, this is a good chance to touch base with everyone.

The films shown today were of a higher calibre because they have been screen at some other festivals before. There was `September' which may make 7-11 store managers rethink their opening hours. Then there was the spooky `Block 46' that changed my mind about driving out late last night. Finally, there was the extremely festival program friendly `White' which was a good and succinct 2 minutes.
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