Some notable moments :
This is the 2nd time I was watching Birthday. I guessed most of us in Singapore know Bertrand for 1 reason. His incident. But this film was a testament to how much you don't want to be his Art Director. But don't be mistaken, I did feel it was a good film.
- The adolescent of a male lead who sounds nothing like how he looks
- His `Kang Tang' (potato in Malay) Mandarin
- The explosive outburst in the office scene in which the employee `fucked' the boss upside down
- Mindy's remarkable acting (actually he was good too la)
- Mindy's remarkable cyan blue ready to swim-or-fuck underwear (see picture below)
- Husband's striped boxers, I like! Very cool.
- The retro-chic interiors, even down to the corners
- The lovely title graphics that caught my attention the first time I watched this
- The price of the cake - $70
- The ominous vibe of the cake seller acted by TCS (oops sorry, Mediacorp) veteran.... or maybe it was just a TCS vibe
- The moment when the husband insisted he could pay for the $70 cake (very poignant)
- The Hollywood touch of the carousel
- Finally (this is just me).... the beaded curtain...... (no more beaded curtains for me please!!!!), ok la, it was shot eons ago